Mac OS 9 Dial-up Networking Setup

The Internet Setup Assistant in OS 9 offers an easy way to set up your dial-up networking. Follow the steps below:
  1. Open the Assistants folder located on your hard drive and double-click the "Internet Setup Assistant"  icon (alias).

  3. When the Internet Access window displays, the prompt "Would you like to set up your computer to use the Internet?"

  4. Click yes
  5. The "Do you already have an Internet Account?" window displays. Click Yes
  6. The Introduction window displays and lists some of the information reuired to successfully set up your connection. You will provide the needed information as you complete the remaining steps.

  7. Click the right arrow, displayed at the lower right corner of the window.

    Note: the "Missing or incorrect information"  window displays if Remote Access is not yet installed.
    If so, quit the Internet Setup Assistant and install Remote Access. The installer is in the Software Installers folder of the OS 9 CD.

  8. Type  Blacksburg.Net in "What would you like to name this connection?" box. Leave Modem selected under the How will you be connecting? question.

  9. Click on the right arrow. Then Modem settings window displays.
  10. Make the appropriate selections. If your modem is not listed, contact the modem manufacturer or follow the instructions provided with you modem.

  11. You may need to select the "Ignore dial tone" box if:

    Click on the right arrow. "The Configuration information" window then displays.

  12. Enter the following information in the appropriate boxes:

    Phone number Blacksburg 808-4450 & 808-4494 Narrows 726-5017 & 5000
    Narrows 726-6015 & 6025
    Narrows 726-6025
    Pearisburg 922-3067 & 3043
    Pulaski 440-5017
    Pulaski 994-7015 & 7025
    Radford 831-8016 & 8025

    200-7741 (backup modem pool)
    Login name (user ID) username
    example: joeuser
    Password Your  password

    The "Domain Name Servers" window then displays.

    Enter the following DNS addresses, on separate lines, in the first box:

  14. Enter the following Domain Name in the smaller box:


    Click the right arrow.

  16. The Email address and password window displays. This information, and information on the remaining windows, is optional.,
  17. but probably should be entered example

  18. The next screen asks for you email account which is your username followed by exampe
    under email host enter

    For newsgroup host computer enter

    Click on the right arrow until the "Conclusion" window displays.

  19. To make your changes, click on the Go Ahead button. If you do not want to connect when finished, uncheck that option.

  20. Note: if you are using both ethernet and dial-up networking, please note that the Assistant automatically switches your TCP/IP connection from ethernet to PPP. Use the connection icon in the control strip, or the TCP/IP control panel (File | Configurations) to switch between the connections.

Using dial-up networking

There are several ways to connect once your set up is complete. Most are self-explanatory.


Please refer to our Dial-up Assistant Troubleshooting page if you experience difficulties after following these steps.
If anything goes wrong during the course of the installation please restart your Mac and try again before calling us. If the problem persists call for
support, but please ensure that you are in front of the computer and have the error message on screen when you call.

If you encounter any other problems with your Internet connection please check the documentation for the software used before calling us. If you have
installed any extra Internet Software on your Macintosh that was not supplied by either Apple  you should seek support from the vendor
of that software directly. While we will do our best to be helpful we cannot guarantee support for such software.

Additional Software

OS 9 includes dial-up networking software and one or two Web browsers. You may require additional software such as Telnet software for  or file transfer (ftp) software as noted below. Recommended software is available from

Telnet software

Currently,  changing your Blacksburg.Net password requires of email program that supports the poppasswd (such as Eudora) or  the use of a telnet client.

FTP client software

While a browser is suitable for anonymous file transfers (downloads), you may need an FTP client to upload and download software and data on servers that require a valid user ID and password. Recommended FTP client software is available on our download page: