Outlook Express Configuration

To Configure Outlook Express, go to TOOLS menu and select ACCOUNTS.

Click MAIL tab..

Click once on the blacksburg.net account, and push Properties button.

Click the GENERAL tab and complete the information as follows:

Click the SERVERS tab and complete the information as follows:

Also click (check) the My server requires authentication (not shown as checked on the above illustration but it should be)

Click the CONNECTION tab and complete the information as follows:

If you are using other than dial-up click(check) the "Connect using my local area network (LAN) instead of dialup

Click the ADVANCED tab and complete the following information as follows:
Under the Server Ports Section Outgoing mail server:
1st click(check) this server require a secure connection (SSL) and then enter 587 as the Outgoing SMTP port number in the box

"Click OK" and then "Close"

To check to see if you have any new mail, click on the INBOX and then...

Push the SEND/RECEIVE button to begin receiving new messages.

To Send e-mail to someone, click the NEW MESSAGE button.

After you are finished typing your message, push the SEND button.
After it returns to the normal Outlook Express screen, you will need to push the SEND/RECEIVE button to actually move the message through the phone line.

Note the first time you attempt to send an Email you will receive a message
"The server you are connect to is using a security certificate that could not be verified ... click "Yes"

If you have any questions, send e-mail to help@blacksburg.net or call 961-4445 Mon-Fri from 9am-7pm.
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