COPE (540)626-3623, email:

Does Southwest Virginia NEED a 765kV Power Line
Costing Half a Billion Dollars?

In 1991, AEP (formerly APCO) and Virginia Power announced plans to build a 765kV power line from Wyoming, WV to Cloverdale, VA to meet a proposed 500kV power line coming from Virginia Power's service areas. Total proposed cost: $450 Million. Virginia Power says their line is needed only to buy power from AEP. Unfortunately for AEP, it is illegal to build a power line through our service territory to supply somebody else. That's why APE must convince us that we "need" the power line for Southwest Virginia. It is a great arrangement for AEP: by claiming that the line is needed for our region, they get to stick local rate payers with the construction bill.

AEP officials say we face brownouts and blackouts if this power line isn't built. Yet in July, 1994 AEP announced a new 15 year sales contract for 205 Megawatts to a company in North Carolina. This single contract delivers twice our region's actual growth in residential demand over the past 5 years.

AEP claims there will be a 2000 Megawatt growth in demand between 1990 and 2010. AEP's current sales contracts to other power companies total 1350 Megawatts - that is already two thirds of AEP's exaggerated projection. Last year, they tried to sell another 675 Megawatts in new transmission contracts to North Carolina.

According to a utility sponsored study by the Electric Power Research Institute, generation in the U.S. could be reduced by 30% by the year 2000 by implementing energy conservation programs. Unlike progressive utilities, however, AEP encourages use rather then conservation. AEP estimates that its conservation programs will decrease consumption in Southwest Virginia by only 1.5% by the year 2000.

AEP has recently upgraded the local transmission system to carry an addition 800 Megawatts. They are now building a power line from Kentucky to West Virginia that will supply our region with yet another 800 Megawatts. AEP plans to build 1000 Megawatts in new power plants in our region over the next ten years. AEP will have more spare transmission capacity in 2010 than in 1990, even if the proposed line is not built.

According to EPA data, here in the East, electric utilities are responsible for 29% of the nitrous oxide and 66% of the sulfur dioxide emissions that contaminate our air. Of the top 50 polluting utilities, AEP is SECOND only to the Tennessee Valley Authority in nitrous oxide emissions and FIRST in sulfur dioxide emissions!

If we continue to depend on power generation to the west, acid rain will continue to fall on our forests, killing our streams and trees. The National Forest Service estimates that 75% of the streams in the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests are already acidified. Emissions from downwind also contribute to the visibility problems we are now experiencing. AEP is already requesting a 9% increase and stated they would need another 10% to meet new EPA air standards!

One of the most important things you can do is write letters expressing your opposition to the power line.

Two very important letters are to the SCC urging them to approve the Four County Motion to notice and study alternate routes. This is a motion by Craig, Giles, Montgomery and Roanoke asking the SCC to require AEP to notice and study less expensive (tens of millions of dollars) and less environmentally damaging routes. AEP filed a 1000 page application, yet dismissed ALL alternatives in only 7 pages. They stated in this application that two of the alternate routes for a power line were "generally comparable" to the Wyoming to Cloverdale route, then promptly dismissed them. Do you believe that they gave the SCC enough information in only 7 pages to justify dismissing all other alternatives to this 765kV power line? If not, tell the SCC.

The second very important letter is to Mr. Thomas Nicholson, Esq. In the Attorney General's Office, Consumer Advocate Division. If the SCC finds a need for this line, the rate payers (that's you) will be forced to pay for it. Don't you look for the best buy when you are spending your money? Certainly you want someone else who is spending your money to look for and thoroughly study the least expensive, highest quality products available. You want the best value for your dollar BEFORE writing the check! AEP has not done this, and so far have not been required to do so. They just want you to sign a blank check on their say so. The West Virginia Consumer Advocate has been asking why for some time. The Virginia Consumer Advocate has done nothing! Ask him "why not"? Tell him you want him to intervene on your behalf. After all, you work hard for your money. If someone else is going to spend it, the least you can ask is for someone to look out for how wide you have to open your wallet for something your really don't want or need to by anyway. Tell Mr. Nicholson that you expect him to intervene on your behalf.